
Showing posts from June, 2020

Chapter 21

She wakes for what she wagered was a moment. She has not woken. Spoken. Soon she sees. What does she see? I declaim.  A Commonwelt; a reign of black hussars swarming over the plain face of a damsel in this dress; many women have difficulties expressing their selves and/or being clear in and about what they really want and really hate; a bomb; two rabbits thrusting by friction to produce a swarm of babbitts; quahogs unlimited; a bicorn; a picture, in which squirming hordes surround a great spinning blue orb dripping with metaphysical gibbets of gibbering giblets; they swarm onto it and onto each other, spelling out letters of the old Copulian alphabet as they go and on the run; from the orifice of one of the more distressed inhabitants of this sphere emerges or regresses (the directionality has been impaired) the limb of a remarkably self-actualized cohort, by name of Welsh; surrounding this entire filigreed structure is a pool which reflects in its red audacity the...